Our Solutions


Fraud Management


Traditional monitoring and fraud detection methods are proving to be inadequate in the face of heightened risks due to rapid digitization, new technologies, and innovative techniques used by fraudsters.

Our fraud management solution, Raftelcos, offers comprehensive and effective protection against all forms of fraud and abuse on operators’ networks. Raftelcos uses an advanced rules engine to monitor, detect, and prevent fraud in real-time. With a complete set of rules covering various detection techniques, our solution ensures constant vigilance and quick response to threats.Designed to enhance network security, Raftelcos provides a controlled environment where fraud management teams can configure and validate rules before deployment. The intelligent alarm qualification built into the solution allows analysts to detect fraud efficiently by reducing the number of alarms to analyze. Thus, Raftelcos guarantees optimal protection and proactive threat management, helping operators secure their networks and protect their revenues.

Revenue Assurance

Raftelcos Revenue Assurance solution is a crucial tool for telecom operations. It helps prevent revenue loss by spotting errors in billing and pricing. By using guidelines and reviewing subscriber data, it ensures accurate calculations of earned and unearned revenue. Raftelcos solution also improves data quality and handling processes, aligning with industry standards to boost profitability. With features like Rating Control, Billing Control, and Margin Assurance, it provides thorough validation and monitoring. Raftelcos empowers telecom companies to make smarter decisions and enhance customer satisfaction while reducing costs.



Revenue reporting is vital for telecom operators, but they face significant challenges. Calculating earned and unearned revenue, ensuring compliance, and recording financial data can be tough. Operators also struggle to detect leaks in cash collection, voucher generation, subscription kits, phone bundles, inventory shipping, and channel billing. These issues can lead to errors, isolated processes, inaccurate customer data, and incorrect revenue reports.

Raftelcos Reporting solution is crucial for uncovering revenue leaks. The sales process for prepaid and postpaid services includes important configurations and validations. When properly documented, these validations highlight potential areas of revenue leakage in an operator’s accounting activities. Raftelcos helps operators improve the accuracy of their revenue reports, quickly identify issues, and ensure more efficient financial management.